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Escape, Play & Rest

My story of finding my way into photography over the past few years has also been a story of finding my voice and caring well for it. As I take my work more seriously, I also must take my needs as a human being more seriously. I've learned, through trial and error, that I simply cannot be my best, the photographer I want to be, when I am exhausted, overworked, and unhappy.

So. I'm learning that I must escape, I must play, and I must rest. This looks different for each photographer, but for me, this often means getting outdoors. This past weekend my husband, Andy, and I went backpacking with dear friends. At least a week before our trip I started considering whether I should bring my camera. I often tote my camera around and Andy has joked that he married me because he knew I'd always make sure we have awesome family photos. At the same time, as much as I love it, photography is my work, and I need to escape every once in awhile. So, I left my camera at home. Andy had his iPhone, but I unplugged and disconnected.

Guess what. It was the most refreshing weekend I've had in a long time, despite the fact that we hiked 15 miles with heavy backpacks. For me, rest and play means being with people I love (especially my husband, who knows how to care for me so well) while exploring the great outdoors.

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